Thursday, March 8, 2007

Luck or life; how to deal with those damn lemons

Recently, my life has been pretty crazy. Some may say down righ un lucky. I like to think of the most recent occurances as dealing with life. Maybe I'm crazy, you tell me. I'll take you through the chaos and you can decide.

November 15th-Stitches in the forehead from Flag Football which resulted in $1,000 bill from the hospital. Yes I have insurance...
December 18th-Unauthorized withdrawal fo $450.00 by my lender who was also my part time employer.
December 26th-Lender/Employer fesses up that I'm not approved for the mortgage loan they had been working on for 3 weeks, lying the whole time obviously. Risk of losing my new home purchase.
January-not sure when...I lost my Great Grandmothers hierloom engraved bracelet that I wear constantly as well as my favorite sweatshirt. Still not found and one theory on why I have such bad karma. Grandma Hemingway is probably rolling over in her grave.
February 17th-Assualted by a guy in a bar while waiting for my cab. Result; black eye, concussion, migraines, nausea, and medical bills yet to come. Investigator assigned to the case less than enthusiastic to close the case.
March 6th-$600 unauthorized debit from my checking account. Error on the banks part and they respond that the error will be corrected in 7-10 days. It's handled but only because I did the research myself and demanded to speak with a manager.

With all that said, as I was driving home from work the other day, stuck in traffic as usual, I was thinking about all of the crazy things that have happened to me in the last five months. It is a little depressing; I won't deny that. More than anything it is very eye opening as to the dangers out there(the assualt and the un authorized debits) and how easily anyone can be harmed and taken advantage of. As I was surfing online today, reading the latest news stories I saw this Dateline NBC special about this guy Wild Bill that is a private investigator out to make the world aware of the dangers that exist. It's really crazy how easy it is for scammers and robbers to get away with anything.

All in all; I just like to think as all of these occurance as life lessons that will make me stronger in the end. I hope that taking a positive outlook will help me deal with whatever life deals me. I know one things certain; after these last five months I can make some bad ass lemonade.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should pick up drinking. Sounds like you could use a lift.

Jess said...

Ha ha, now what good would gaining 20 lbs do? :-)

Anonymous said...

Things can only go up, at least I don't think they could get worse for you...