Wednesday, January 17, 2007

5 Things you DON'T know about me!

So I was recently blog tagged by Snoop Bloggy Blawg on 1/16/07. The way the game works is someone writes 5 things about themselves no one else knows and then tags five other blogs he or she wants to hear things about. (sounds a lot like those damn myspace chain bulletins...but I'll play along)

1.) I was in a beauty pagent my junior year of high school. It was horrible and very political. Never again.

2.) In college I learned how to nail holes in cinderblock walls...o yes folks you can do it to-just ask!

3.) When I was in private school I made my entire school pray because my daddy had died-only he hadn't so everyone was giving condolence to my mother for weeks. Ha ha

4.) Kurt Loder on MTV is my great Uncle, I can remember him having to leave a cousins wedding early b/c he had to interview Janet Jackson.

5.) I have a scar on my right forearm from punching a window when I was in 7th grade, a calcium under my left eye from a rightous hockey game in college that resulted in a stick in my eye(don't worry I damn sure went back in!)

Well I hope it was interesting learning a little more about me.

And now for the chosen one's that I'm taggin':

Depressed Fan

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